Why Isn’t My Bissell Carpet Cleaner Not Suctioning

If you recently purchased a Bissell carpet cleaner but have noticed that it isn’t suctioning like it should, you are probably wondering why. This is a common issue that owners of Bissell carpet cleaners can experience, and there are a few potential causes. In this article, we will discuss the most common causes of this problem and how to troubleshoot and fix them. We will also offer tips for maintaining your Bissell carpet cleaner in the future. By following these steps, you should be able to get your Bissell carpet cleaner up and running in no time.

Diagnosing the Problem

The blog “Diagnosing the Problem” provides practical advice for those looking to identify and solve complex issues. It offers a step-by-step guide to breaking down problems and applying creative solutions. The blog provides readers with tips on how to recognize the root of the problem, identify potential solutions, and create an action plan to get the job done. It also offers useful strategies for analyzing the data, testing solutions and implementing the final fix. Whether you’re troubleshooting a technical issue, looking to improve efficiency, or just trying to make sense of a complicated problem, “Diagnosing the Problem” is the perfect resource for finding creative solutions.

Checking the Cleaner’s Filters

In the Cleaner’s Filters blog, we explore the importance of regularly checking the filters in your vacuum cleaner to ensure it is operating at its peak performance. Not only is this important for the longevity of your vacuum cleaner, but it can save you time, money, and energy in the long term. If the filters are clogged, it could lead to a decrease in suction power, which means your vacuum cleaner won’t be able to pick up dirt and debris as effectively. Additionally, if the filters are dirty, it can cause the vacuum to become less efficient, leading to an overall decrease in performance. We’ll provide you with tips on how to check and clean the filters in your vacuum cleaner, so you can keep your machine running smoothly and efficiently.

Examining the Hose and Accessory Attachments

Blog posts are a great way to explore topics in more depth. Examining the hose and accessory attachments is an important part of any home improvement project. From choosing the right size and type of hose to selecting the best accessories, there are many factors to consider. Here we’ll discuss the various considerations that come into play when selecting and installing hose and accessory attachments. We’ll explore topics such as material choice, installation techniques, and maintenance and troubleshooting tips. We’ll also provide ideas for using hose and accessory attachments to make your projects easier and more effective. Whether you’re a DIY-er or a professional, this blog post will provide you with the knowledge and resources to make the best decisions for your projects.

Cleaning the Floor Tool

Cleaning the floor is a tedious task, but it doesn’t have to be! Our “Cleaning the Floor Tool” is here to make it easy and efficient. No more hours spent on your hands and knees scrubbing away dirt and grime – our tool does it all. With its powerful suction and scrubbing capabilities, it removes dirt in no time. Plus, it’s lightweight and easy to maneuver, so you can take it with you on the go. So, don’t let the dirt get you down – get the “Cleaning the Floor Tool” and enjoy a sparkling clean floor!

BISSELL Proheat 2X Revolution Suction Troubleshooting
Image source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=3sE0ddIay3Y

Investigating the Clean Water Tank and Hose

Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes when it comes to cleaning a water tank and hose? Cleaning tanks and hoses is an important part of keeping our water systems safe and healthy. Through our investigations, we have uncovered the ins and outs of the process. We begin by examining the interior of the tank and hose, looking for any signs of build-up or blockage. We then follow with a thorough cleaning process, removing any debris and bacteria that may be lingering. Finally, we inspect the exterior of the tank and hose, ensuring that all connections are secure and that everything is in proper working order. Join us as we explore the process of cleaning a water tank and hose, taking the stress out of the task.

Testing the Suction

Testing the Suction is a blog that focuses on testing the waters of life. It’s a place to explore new ideas, share experiences, and ultimately find out what works and what doesn’t. By testing the suction, you can gain valuable insights into yourself and the world around you. Whether it’s trying out a new career, taking a risk with a relationship, or simply trying something out of your comfort zone, this blog encourages readers to take the plunge. Join us as we explore the depths of our potential and find out what works for us.

Troubleshooting the Motor

The blog section “Troubleshooting the Motor” is a comprehensive guide to identifying and resolving problems with the motor. It covers topics such as testing the motor, inspecting components, and performing maintenance. The blog provides detailed instructions on how to diagnose and repair common motor issues, as well as how to prevent them. It also offers helpful tips on troubleshooting motors in a wide variety of applications. With this blog, readers can develop a better understanding of the inner workings of the motor, and improve their ability to troubleshoot and maintain their motor with confidence.

Resetting the Cleaner

Resetting the Cleaner is a blog about giving your life a deep clean. From decluttering physical and mental space to learning to let go of things and people that no longer serve you, Resetting the Cleaner helps readers create a life of intention and purpose. Through tips, tricks, and personal stories, each post is designed to help readers clean up their lives, one room at a time. Whether you’re looking to reset your career, relationships, or home, Resetting the Cleaner will help you take control of your life and live your best life.

FAQs About the Why Isn’t My Bissell Carpet Cleaner Not Suctioning

Q1. What should I do if my Bissell carpet cleaner is not suctioning?

A1. First, check to make sure the tanks are securely attached and the filters are clean. If the tanks are secure and the filters are clean, then unplug the machine and check the hose and nozzle for any blockages. If the hose and nozzle are clear, the next step is to check the brush roll for any tangles or hair, as this may be preventing the suction from working.

Q2. What could be causing my Bissell carpet cleaner to not suction?

A2. Possible causes of a Bissell carpet cleaner not suctioning could include a clogged hose, a blockage in the nozzle, a dirty filter, or a tangled brush roll.

Q3. What kind of maintenance should I do to keep my Bissell carpet cleaner suctioning properly?

A3. To keep your Bissell carpet cleaner suctioning properly, it is important to regularly check and clean the filters, check the hose and nozzle for any blockages, and check the brush roll for any tangles or hair. Additionally, you should make sure that the tanks are securely attached before each use.


If your Bissell carpet cleaner isn’t suctioning, it could be due to a clogged filter, a break in the suction hose, or a malfunctioning motor. To troubleshoot the issue, you should check the filter, inspect the hose for any tears or holes, and inspect the motor. If the issue persists, you should contact Bissell’s customer service for further assistance.