How to Clean a Persian Rug – A-Z Guide

A Persian rug is a beautiful and luxurious addition to any home. But like all rugs, they require regular cleaning and maintenance to keep them looking their best. Here are some tips on how to clean your Persian rug and keep it in top condition:

Vacuum regularly – at least once a week – to remove dirt, dust, and other debris. Use a gentle setting so as not to damage the delicate fibers of the rug. Spot clean spills immediately with a mild soap or detergent and cool water.

How to Clean a Persian Rug

Blot the area dry with a clean, absorbent cloth. Deep clean your Persian rug every few months using a professional carpet cleaner or renting a steam cleaner. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully to avoid damaging the rug.

  • Vacuum the rug with a brush attachment to remove any loose dirt or debris
  • Spot-clean any areas of the rug that are particularly soiled using a mild detergent and a damp cloth
  • Fill a sink or bathtub with lukewarm water and add a mild carpet shampoo
  • Submerge the rug in the water and gently scrub it with your hands to work the shampoo into the fibers
  • Rinse the rug thoroughly with clean water to remove all traces of soap
  • Hang the rug outdoors or in a well-ventilated area to air dry completely before putting it back in place

Persian Rug Gets First Clean In 20 Years | Deep Cleaned | Insider


Can I Clean My Persian Rug Myself?

There are a few things to consider before cleaning your Persian rug yourself. The first is the type of rug you have. If your Persian rug is made of natural fibers like wool or cotton, it can be cleaned with mild detergent and water.

However, if your Persian rug is made of synthetic fibers like polyester or acrylic, it will require a different cleaning method. The second thing to consider is the level of soiling on your rug. If your rug is only lightly soiled, you can probably clean it yourself using a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment.

However, if your rug is heavily soiled, you will need to hire a professional carpet cleaner who has experience cleaning Persian rugs. Finally, you should also consider the value of your rug when deciding whether or not to clean it yourself. If your Persian rug is valuable or has sentimental value, it is best to leave the cleaning to a professional who can take care of it without damaging the Rug.

How Do You Clean Persian Rugs?

Persian rugs are beautiful and luxurious, but they can be a bit of a pain to keep clean. Here are some tips on how to clean your Persian rug and keep it looking its best. Vacuum regularly – Vacuuming your rug at least once a week will help to remove dirt and dust before it has a chance to build up.

Be sure to use the gentle setting on your vacuum cleaner, as the agitation from the brushes can damage the delicate fibers of your rug. Spot-clean spills immediately – When something is spilled on your Persian rug, it’s important to spot-clean it right away. Use a mild soap and water solution or an enzymatic cleaner specifically designed for carpets to remove any stains before they have a chance to set in.

Take it outside for a good beating – Every few months, take your Persian rug outside and give it a good beating with a carpet beater or an old tennis racket. This will help loosen any dirt that’s embedded in the fibers and make vacuuming more effective. Just be sure to do this in an area that’s well-ventilated so the dust doesn’t blow back into your face!

Get professional cleaning every few years – Even if you vacuum and spot clean regularly, your Persian rug will eventually need a deep cleaning by a professional. Depending on how often you use it and how well you take care of it, this could be every one or two years or even longer.

Can You Use a Carpet Cleaner on a Persian Rug?

Persian rugs are one of the most beautiful and luxurious types of rugs available. They’re also some of the most expensive, so it’s important to take proper care of them. That means not using a carpet cleaner on them.

Carpet cleaners use harsh chemicals and abrasive brushes that can damage the delicate fibers of a Persian rug. They can also cause the colors to bleed or fade. If you must clean your Persian rug, vacuum it regularly and spot-clean spills as soon as they happen with a mild soap and water solution.

Are Persian Rugs Hard to Clean?

Persian rugs are often made of natural fibers like wool or cotton, which can be delicate and require special care when cleaning. The best way to clean a Persian rug is to vacuum it regularly with a soft-bristle attachment and spot-clean any spills or stains immediately. You should avoid using harsh chemicals or cleaners on Persian rugs, as they can damage the fibers and cause fading.

If you need to deep clean your Persian rug, it’s best to hire a professional carpet cleaner who has experience cleaning delicate rugs.

How to Clean a Persian Rug


Can You Steam Clean a Persian Rug

If you have a Persian rug, you may be wondering if it’s possible to steam-clean it. The answer is yes! You can safely steam clean your Persian rug at home using a handheld steamer.

Just be sure to use the lowest setting and hold the steamer about six inches away from the rug while moving it slowly back and forth.


If you have a Persian rug, you know how delicate and beautiful they are. You also know how expensive they can be, which is why you want to take care of them and keep it looking their best. Here are some tips on how to clean your Persian rug the right way:

  • Vacuum regularly – This will help remove dirt and debris from the rug before it has a chance to build up and become difficult to remove.
  • Spot clean spills immediately – If something is spilled on the rug, blot it up with a clean cloth as soon as possible. Don’t rub, as this can spread the spill and make it harder to remove.
  • Protect from sunlight – Sunlight can fade the colors of your rug, so try to keep it out of direct sunlight whenever possible.
  • Take it outside for a good beating – Once or twice a year, take your Persian rug outside and give it a good beating with a stick or broom handle. This will help loosen any dirt that’s deep in the fibers and make vacuuming easier.

    Just be sure to do this in an area that’s not too windy so the dirt doesn’t just get blown back onto the rug!